Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
A busy week!
We have had a busy week in Sycamore Class....
We have continued our learning about The Great Fire of London. We have begun learning new skills to use in our writing, such as knowing where to use a capital letter. We have been learning that places such as 'London' has a capital letter, as well as names of people and days of the week.
In mathematics, we have been learning to add. We have been using Numicon to help us, and some of us have been thinking about drawing out our tens and ones to add one and two digit numbers together.
In science, we have been learning about materials. We have been using non-fiction texts to research all about materials. We have also been feeling a range of real life materials and begun to describe these.
We hope everyone has a great weekend!