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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Wonderful Arundel Wetlands

We had a great trip on Thursday to Arundel Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. See what we got up to below.

We were very excited to visit Arundel WWT and loved riding on the coach. Even though it rained on us more than once, everyone was in a good mood and enjoyed learning lots about nature from the Guardians. We are looking forward to earning lots of Guardians of Nature badges in the coming weeks and have already started gaining our 10 online badges. When we register that we have completed 10 activities, we will get a special badge and certificate.

In other subjects we have continued to practise our agility in PE and to work on our fitness. We have been learning more about Bognor Regis and the different geographical features of our local area. In Writing, we started a new focus text "The Oak Tree" by Julia Donaldson. If you would like to share this book with us at home, here is a link: 

That's it for this week...lots more to come next week!

Mrs Castleton and Mrs Lawlor