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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Lots of lovely learning...

Another great week in Sycamore class has come to an end. Please read on to find out what we have been doing this week...

In art, we have been practising mixing colours to make lighter or darker shades without using black or white to help us.

We have enjoyed writing lists and sentences using our phonics to sound out words we want to write. We have also been spelling words using magnetic letters and matching them to graphemes (written letters).

In RSHE, we have been thinking about people we can trust and where we would find them if we needed their help.

In RE, we went outside and experienced God's wonderful world. We learnt that Creation means "to make something".

In our choosing time we have been busy junk modelling, practising phonics by playing teachers and drawing.