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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God


This week the class have been working hard to get ready for the Art Exhibition at the Summer Fair tomorrow. The children amazed me with their clay skills and their ability to make sea creatures out of the clay. Once dried, they picked bright colours to paint their sea creatures. We also thought about what the sea looks like for the sea creatures and painted these on card and added more sea creatures. Can't wait for you to see them at the school fair.

This week we have also been learning about recognising coins and working together to match amounts and coins. Please give your child coins to use and explore with at home, maybe make a shop where your child needs to buy something and use real money to do so. This would really embed their learning of using coins and recognising them.

Don't forget to bring in a photo on Monday for your child to talk about. It could be a recent holiday or a hobby they love doing. This is to start our new topic "All about us!"