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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God


In maths this week we have been learning about time. The children have learnt to tell the time for o'clock and half past. They have been so confident in doing this that some of them have been teaching each other which is fantastic to see.

In writing we are starting to write our own non-fiction book. The children picked places in Bognor Regis that they are familiar with and are writing facts about them. We will be adding a blurb to our books next week.

In RE we have started learning about Advent and what that word means. The children were amazing at being articulate and able to explain their learning to me.

Today we tested the children's containers to see if the seed would keep dry when it want in the water. We have started to talk about if they made their container again how would they improve it.

The children have been rehearsing the Christmas Worship and can't wait to show you on Thursday 7th December at 9.20am.