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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Woodland Wednesday

Thank you to everyone who came to watch the Harvest Worship. The children loved performing for you. Also, thank you for all the donations. They will be greatly received by our local food bank.

The children loved spending time in the Woodland on Wednesday. We explored the different types of trees by identifying the leaves. The children had so much to say about it:

“We were looking at all the stuff in the Woodland that has now changed.” said Jackson.

“We made a den.” said Leo P.

“See how much people we can fit in a den.” said Omie.

“We find some bugs.” said Teddie.

“We found different types of leaves.” said Grayson.

“We found worms and spiders.” said Jack.

“Went through the tunnel.” said Rebekah.

“Mrs Merrick told us about holly leaves.” said Sid.

“Some of the leaves were happy and some were angry.” said Leo B.

“We were playing with a friend in the Woodland.” said Tilly.

“We saw some frogs.” said Gracie.