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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Number Bonds

We have had another busy week of learning. The children have amazed me with their knowledge and skills of learning to make 10 and 20. We call these number bonds. The children have loved using the maths equipment to work out 2 numbers to make 10 and then 2 numbers to make 20.

We have also been working hard to learn new tricky words in phonics: said, says, you, do, like, little, push, put, pull, full. Remember these are words that we can't sound out yet!

The children have been very knowledgable with our computing learning. They could tell me about the technology we use at home and at school. They talked about the parts they use on the devices and what they enjoy doing on them.

This week in our RE learning we have continued to learning about Creation and understanding what God has created for us and why it's so important that we look after it.