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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Such a great week...

The children have amazed me with their learning and great attitude this week.

 They know our school values (kindness, uniqueness, communication and independence). They know what this looks like in the school and they are so good at showing this to me in so many ways. The children have loved finding out about Goldilocks and are great at using different voices for the different characters. 

I asked the children what they have enjoyed doing so far in Sycamore class, they said:

“Seeing the frog in the woodland.” said Alice.

“We have been writing.” said Sid.

“Playing together with our friends.” said Abigail.

“Being with my new teacher.” said Jackson.

“I like going to school.” said Gabriel.

“Making new friends..” said Arlia.

“Playing with the animals.” said Grayson.

Can't wait for another great week!