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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Sycamore Class Blog 2023-24

Page 3

  • Non fiction books

    Published 24/11/23, by Clare Burgess
    We have had another good week of learning. The children have learnt the features of a non-fiction book, understanding that there are facts and photos. This week we have started to plan our own non fiction book and next week we will be writing them.
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  • Visitors

    Published 17/11/23, by Clare Burgess

    What a great week! We had a visit from the mayor and town crier of Bognor Regis.

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  • Terrific Take Off

    Published 10/11/23, by Clare Burgess
    On Tuesday for our Terrific Take Off for our new topic,  'The World Around Us', we went to the Bognor Regis Museum. The children were so good at sensibly walking there and back. We explored every part of the museum and definitely enjoyed
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  • Fantastic Finish

    Published 03/11/23, by Clare Burgess
    To finish our topic 'Forests Everywhere' the children explored using the circuits. In the story the old man had an idea and a lightbulb from the middle of the flower light up so we decided to recreate this using the circuits. We learnt so muc
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  • Independent Learning

    Published 20/10/23, by Clare Burgess

    What a great first half-term it has been!

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  • Woodland Wednesday

    Published 13/10/23, by Clare Burgess
    Thank you to everyone who came to watch the Harvest Worship. The children loved performing for you. Also, thank you for all the donations. They will be greatly received by our local food bank. The children loved spending time in the Woodland on We
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  • Materials

    Published 06/10/23, by Clare Burgess
    In science this week we have been exploring the materials in our classroom. We have found wood, fabric, metal and plastic. We have thought of words to describe these materials: smooth, bumpy hard, strong, bendy. What materials can you find in your ho
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  • Number Bonds

    Published 29/09/23, by Clare Burgess
    We have had another busy week of learning. The children have amazed me with their knowledge and skills of learning to make 10 and 20. We call these number bonds. The children have loved using the maths equipment to work out 2 numbers to make 10 and t
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  • The Tree Surgeon

    Published 25/09/23, by Clare Burgess
    To start our new topic "Forests everywhere" a tree surgeon came into school to talk to us about his job, how he cut down the trees, what he did with the wood and the special clothing he wore to keep him safe. We all drew what we wanted o
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  • Such a great week...

    Published 15/09/23, by Clare Burgess

    The children have amazed me with their learning and great attitude this week.

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