Football workshop and Woodland Wednesday
Published 18/10/24, by Claire Lawlor
Another week has gone by in Sycamore class. We have been learning lots as usual.
Another week has gone by in Sycamore class. We have been learning lots as usual.
We have had a great week in Sycamore class...
We have been busy learning our number bonds this week in Sycamore. We would love to practise them at home over the weekend too. Here is the link to the song to sing it at home: Number bonds are pairs of friends - number bonds to 10 song (
We had a great trip on Thursday to Arundel Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust. See what we got up to below.
Another great week in Sycamore class has come to an end. Please read on to find out what we have been doing this week...
We have had a busy week in Sycamore class and have enjoyed getting to know each other. Please read on to find out what we have been doing...