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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Sycamore Class Blog 2023-24

Page 2

  • Capacity

    Published 28/03/24, by Clare Burgess
    The children loved learning about capacity and using the words: full, empty, half full, nearly empty. They tested each other to see if they could put the right amount of water in the container! This week we went to the Church for our Easter servic
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  • Reading to the class

    Published 22/03/24, by Clare Burgess
    The children have had another great week of learning. We have been learning to use scales and discuss what is heavy and what is light. Also we have been learning about capacity, using the vocabulary full, empty, half full, nearly empty. The children
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  • Computing

    Published 15/03/24, by Clare Burgess
    The children have loved using ipads and laptops this week to retrieve information about animals. They used the search engine "Kiddle" to find out facts and photos about animals. Some used the mouse and the keyboard to retrieve facts. This i
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  • World Book Day

    Published 08/03/24, by Clare Burgess
    The children loved dressing up for World Book Day. They were able to talk about their character and the personalities of them. Some children bought in the book that their character was in and shared this in their reading time. We spent time talking a
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  • Sponsored Bounce

    Published 01/03/24, by Clare Burgess
    The children loved the sponsored bounce this week. Thank you to everyone who sponsored the children, the money is greatly received.  This week we have been learning to use 'and' and 'because' in our writing to extend our sente
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  • Designing and Creating Puppets

    Published 09/02/24, by Clare Burgess
    The children have thoroughly loved designing and making their own puppets. They have thought carefully about what is safe for a 4 year old if they were having their puppet. We can't wait to show the Early Years children after half term. Y
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  • Maths

    Published 02/02/24, by Clare Burgess
    Hello! Last week our maths learning was based around 2s, 5s and 10s. We used mathematical equipment to support us to count. This week some children choose to write their numbers in 2s, 5s and 10s making sure they are the correct way round. This week
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  • Terrific Take Off

    Published 12/01/24, by Clare Burgess
    We have started our new topic this week called Out of this world! The children loved finding the crashed rocket on the school grounds and talked lots about how it got there, why it is here and what happened to the aliens flying it! We have also spent
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  • Happy New Year

    Published 05/01/24, by Clare Burgess
    Happy New Year and welcome back to school. It has been such a lovely 3 days. We have been spending the days thinking about our behaviour, rules and routines. We have discussed why its important to listen when others are talking to way it's i
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  • Thank you so much...

    Published 15/12/23, by Clare Burgess

    Well, it's the end of the first term. First of all, how did we get here?

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  • Time

    Published 08/12/23, by Clare Burgess

    The children were amazing in the Christmas Worship. Thank you so much for all your support. The children loved performing for you.

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  • Time

    Published 01/12/23, by Clare Burgess
    In maths this week we have been learning about time. The children have learnt to tell the time for o'clock and half past. They have been so confident in doing this that some of them have been teaching each other which is fantastic to see. In w
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