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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God


Our tadpoles have finally started turning into froglets. We spent a day watching the froglets hop round a special tank. We were amazed at how small they were. Then, on Friday we released the remaining tadpoles into the pond and let the froglets go and explore the woodland, we were sad to see them go, but know we can visit them each week. We have loved watching all the stages of growth.

In maths we have been practising recalling our double facts up to 5 then 10. We are getting very fast at them. We have been playing the game Hit the Button and seeing if we can beat our best score. The link is below if you want to try at home.

We had a visit from Chartwells who make our school dinners and they taught us about where our food comes from. We learnt about which foods grow in or above the ground. We then tried eating some lettuce, carrots, apple, red pepper and beetroot. Lots of us tried things we had never tried before and some of found out there were new foods we liked!

In worship on Friday we had a visit from a group of students from Bishop Luffa school. They taught us about why we should recycle things and what things are made of.