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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God


We had a very 'snailee' time in the woodland this week. Most of us were holding snails on our coats, hands or in containers! We loved seeing all the different patterns on them.

We loved showing all our adults what we do at school, thank you to everyone who came.

We also had Mrs Greenway's husband, who is a nurse come in to show us how he cares for his patients. We showed us lots of different bits of equipment he uses in his job.

Our role play was a police car and station this week, we had great fun arresting people and making them behave.

We looked at a photo of a person wearing a blade on their leg as they only had one leg. We watched a video of how they can run really fast with these. Mrs Macrae's daughter also told us what it was like to be in a wheelchair. We asked lots of thoughtful questions.