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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Settling In

We have finished our first full week and we have done amazingly. We have got more confident coming in each morning and can put away our things with very little help.

We are getting to know the names of our friends in Willow and some of the other classes too.  We enjoyed having extra choices of food at snack time, this week we tried spreading butter on our own toast; please let us try this at home as well.

We started phonics this week and have learnt the letters s,a,t,p. Attached is a sheet showing all the sounds we are learning this half term and the pictures and phrases we use with them. Please encourage us to look for them when we are at home or out and about.

We have been singing lots of numbers rhymes as a start to our maths learning. If you would like to listen to the same ones at home, this is the site we use.