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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Willow Class Blog 2023-24

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  • Numbers

    Published 12/07/24, by Jo Macrae

    This week we have been practising writing our numbers and letters correctly ready for Year 1. We are still reversing a few but they are looking so much better.

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  • Pirates and more snails!

    Published 05/07/24, by Jo Macrae

    This week our learning moved onto pirates. We have a pirate ship in our classroom which we are enjoying using, only occasionally has someone had to walk the plank! We have also been reading pirate stories, and Molly found one with a Molly in it!!

    In maths we have been reading and answering maths calculations, being careful to check if we need to add or subtract. We have also been finding different ways to make numbers to 20.

    On Wednesday we spent the morning with our new Year 1 teachers; we were very excited and nervous, but had a great time.

    In PE we are starting to practise our throwing and catching skills. Some of us are finding this hard and so it would be great if we could practise this at home.

    And of course we have continued our fascination with snails and mini-beasts in the woodland area. The number of creatures we find is amazing, and we take great care of them, watching them move and making them little homes.

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  • Bog Baby

    Published 21/06/24, by Jo Macrae

    We continued to learn about the sea this week. We found out facts about jellyfish and were amazed at how big they can grow. We also loved the fact that some of them glowed or looked like they had lights on them.

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  • Beach

    Published 14/06/24, by Jo Macrae
    What a busy week! We started with Zoolab visiting us. We learnt about different animals, including a giant African land snail, a corn snake and a tarantula. We then got a chance to touch or hold them if we were brave enough and some us us were!!!
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  • Butterflies and caterpillars

    Published 07/06/24, by Jo Macrae
    We were excited to see that our caterpillars hatched from their cocoons this week and had turned into 5 beautiful butterflies. On Friday they were released into our woodland area to continue their life outside. When we visited the woodland on Thur
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  • Hungry caterpillar

    Published 24/05/24, by Jo Macrae

    This week our learning has been based round 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. It is a book we know well but still enjoy reading. We used our writing skills to make Willow class's own version of the book, which we showed to Miss Wells who was very impressed.

    In maths we have been continuing to learn about odd and even numbers. We know that odd numbers have 'one without a friend'. We have also been practising our doubling and halving facts and seeing how the two relate to each other.

    We are loving our woodland time, we enjoy being outside and looking at the wonder of the world around us. Snail collecting is still our favourite activity, but we also love listening to the robin who sings to us each week.


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  • Froglets!

    Published 17/05/24, by Jo Macrae

    Our tadpoles have finally started turning into froglets. We spent a day watching the froglets hop round a special tank. We were amazed at how small they were. Then, on Friday we released the remaining tadpoles into the pond and let the froglets go and explore the woodland, we were sad to see them go, but know we can visit them each week. We have loved watching all the stages of growth.

    In maths we have been practising recalling our double facts up to 5 then 10. We are getting very fast at them. We have been playing the game Hit the Button and seeing if we can beat our best score. The link is below if you want to try at home.

    We had a visit from Chartwells who make our school dinners and they taught us about where our food comes from. We learnt about which foods grow in or above the ground. We then tried eating some lettuce, carrots, apple, red pepper and beetroot. Lots of us tried things we had never tried before and some of found out there were new foods we liked!

    In worship on Friday we had a visit from a group of students from Bishop Luffa school. They taught us about why we should recycle things and what things are made of.


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  • What a busy week!

    Published 10/05/24, by Jo Macrae

    We started our week with a visit from the Fire Service. They told us about how to keep safe, by knowing what we shouldn't touch because it is hot. We talked about what to do if the fire alarm goes off at school or home and the importance of practising the plan and testing our fire alarms regularly. We then got to look at a fire engine's equipment and climbed inside. We finished with having a turn each at squirting the hoses.

    We also had a visit from the police, and the police officer told us all about how you can recognise police person. She also told us about the equipment she uses and how it keeps her and us safe. She also showed us what she keeps in a police car and we got to listen to the different sirens.

    Mrs Greenway brought her Giant African Land snail in to see us. We were amazed at how big it was and it isn't even fully grown! We watched it moving about and digging itself into the soil.

    We followed up this with our time in the woodland where we hunted for snails and looked at the other wildlife in the woodland area. We even saw a pigeon sitting on its nest!

    Our topic is planting for the next 2 weeks. We have made the role play into a garden centre and have enjoyed planting lots of seeds.

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  • Snails

    Published 03/05/24, by Jo Macrae

    We had a very 'snailee' time in the woodland this week. Most of us were holding snails on our coats, hands or in containers! We loved seeing all the different patterns on them.

    We loved showing all our adults what we do at school, thank you to everyone who came.

    We also had Mrs Greenway's husband, who is a nurse come in to show us how he cares for his patients. We showed us lots of different bits of equipment he uses in his job.

    Our role play was a police car and station this week, we had great fun arresting people and making them behave.

    We looked at a photo of a person wearing a blade on their leg as they only had one leg. We watched a video of how they can run really fast with these. Mrs Macrae's daughter also told us what it was like to be in a wheelchair. We asked lots of thoughtful questions.

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  • People who help us

    Published 26/04/24, by Jo Macrae

    This week we have been thinking about all the different people who help us.

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  • Summer Term

    Published 18/04/24, by Jo Macrae

    Although it was a short week, it was a busy one.

    We settled back into school, checking we all knew the school rules about keeping our equipment tidy, using the phrase:

    "Choose it, use it, put it away."

    On Thursday we nearly had a talk from the local fire service, but unfortunately they were called away, so they will come and see us another time.

    We loved spotting signs of spring in the woodland area. We are very good at spotting minibeasts. We also noticed a couple of nests which we will keep an eye on over the next few weeks.

    We are starting to think about people who help us and the children came up with lots of ideas. Our role play has turned into an Opticians and we are testing each other's eyes.


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  • Happy Easter

    Published 28/03/24, by Jo Macrae

    Our final week of our second term has flown past.

    The adults have been seeing how we are doing with our phonics, and they are all really pleased with everyone's progress. Our writing is also amazing, lots of us remember to use finger spaces now without needing to be reminded.

    Thank you to everyone who came to Church for our Easter service despite the wet weather. I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

    We hope you have a relaxing Easter break and look forward to seeing you in the summer term, when hopefully it will be a bit warmer!

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