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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Willow Class Blog 2023-24

Page 3

  • Advent

    Published 01/12/23, by Jo Macrae

    This week has been much colder, so we are choosing to do our learning indoors a lot more. Some of us still enjoy being outside lots, so please send us with hats or gloves (named).

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  • Owls

    Published 17/11/23, by Jo Macrae

    These past 2 weeks we have been linking our learning to the book "Owl Babies". We know the story really well now and enjoy joining in with it. You can listen at home using the link below:

    Owl babies

    We have made owl pictures, written about owls and learnt lots of interesting facts.

    We are enjoying our times in the Woodland, even with the weather getting colder and damper. We have been exploring and making things from natural resources.

    In phonics we have now learnt all the single letters of the alphabet and started learning digraphs (2 letter one sound). We have learnt qu, ch, th and sh.

    In maths we have been comparing numbers to see which is more and which is less.


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  • What a busy week!

    Published 09/11/23, by Jo Macrae

    We started the week with our first Muddy Monday. The weather was kind to us and we had great fun. We did mud painting, making leaf fairies and finding different colours in the woodland area.


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  • Fireworks and Patterns

    Published 03/11/23, by Jo Macrae

    This week our learning has been based around fireworks. 

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  • Bread

    Published 20/10/23, by Jo Macrae

    This week we have been doing our learning through the story of The Little Red Hen. On Wednesday we all had a go at making bread and learnt about the ingredients needed and the methods to create the dough. We all took our bread home to try and lots of us returned saying we enjoyed eating it.

    In phonics, the adults were seeing how many sounds we knew, and they were really impressed with all the sounds we could remember. Lots of us are now using these sounds to blend and read short words. 

    Thank you to everyone who came to watch our harvest worship, we loved seeing you all, even though it was quite daunting at first. We really enjoyed singing the songs to you.

    It's amazing we have finished our first half term, and although we are all quite tired, the adults are impressed with how well we have settled into school.

    We hope you have a good half term break.

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  • Pumpkins

    Published 13/10/23, by Jo Macrae

    This week we have been exploring different autumn vegetables. We had great fun washing then scooping out the seeds from pumpkins and using the pumpkins to make potions in. We also used vegetables to print with, printing with broccoli to make tree pictures.

    We have been practising our autumn songs ready for the Harvest festival next week.

    The adults have noticed how we are all expanding the range of children we chose to play and learn with, which is fantastic to see. We are able to turn take and share equipment with much less support from the adults.

    In maths we have been looking at explaining our thinking when answering questions. For example, instead of just saying there are four objects, we have been explaining that it looks like a 4 numicon, or it is one more than 3.

    In phonics, we learnt the sounds h,b,f and l, and practised reading the word 'the'.

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  • Leaf Man

    Published 06/10/23, by Jo Macrae

    This week we have been reading the book of Leaf Man. The pictures were all made with leaves. We went for a walk in the playground and woodland area collecting leaves and seeds and returned to make our own pictures. We also used the leaves to make rubbings and talked about the colours we saw.

    In the classroom, we made a farm shop and enjoyed playing the roles of both the shop keeper and the customer. We recognised lots of different vegetables but couldn't name a parsnip, but we did know it came in soup and stews!

    We learnt ck, e, u and r in phonics this week. We are getting much better at blending sounds together when reading the word cards.

    In maths we have been showing our counting abilities, and remembering that we have to count each thing once and not to miss any out.

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  • Rainbow Fish

    Published 29/09/23, by Jo Macrae

    This week we have been reading the story of Rainbow Fish.

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  • Jack and the Beanstalk

    Published 19/09/23, by Jo Macrae

    This week we have been reading different versions of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We then used this is our independent learning, building beanstalks from cubes and story props from lego. We also used the small world, and we frequently heard, fee, fi, fo, fum!

    In maths we have been practising recognising and counting to 5. We have been counting our models and helping Mr Owl to get his counting correct.

    In phonics we have now learnt the sounds i, n, m d. We have started to read short words containing these letters, for example sit, pat, man, pad.

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  • Welcome to Willow Class

    Published 07/09/23, by Jo Macrae
    What a fantastic first week!  We have learnt so much in 4 mornings. We know where we put our book bags and water bottles and can find our carpet space as well. We have explored activities both in our classroom and outside and some of us have
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  • Settling In

    Published 07/09/23, by Jo Macrae
    We have finished our first full week and we have done amazingly. We have got more confident coming in each morning and can put away our things with very little help. We are getting to know the names of our friends in Willow and some of the other c
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