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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Crocodiles eat big numbers!

In writing this week we have been practising our core skills. We learnt what a contraction was and practised using it. Ask us if we can show you one in a sentence.

In maths we have been learning how to use the greater and less than signs (< >). We were explaining our answers using the language of tens and ones. We used crocodile pictures to help us and know that crocodiles eat big numbers.

In art we have continued with painting, looking at how we vary the textures and consistency of the paint. We mixed colours and drew patterns within the paint before it dried.

In PE we got out the mats and benches. We found different ways to balance using various parts of our body. We even challenged ourselves by trying balancing on the upturned benches!

We are loving our story times and have finished The Hodgeheg and have now started The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark.