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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Welcome to Hazel Class

What an amazing first week. Everyone settled back into the school routine quickly, getting to know their new classmates.

In English we  our learning for the next couple of weeks through the book The Suitcase. If you would like to listen to it at home use the following link;

The Suitcase

We thought about what we would pack if we were going on a trip. We came up with a range of ideas depending on what was important to us. We also thought about what some of our favourite cartoon characters would pack in their suitcases.

In Art we have been revising how we make secondary colours from primary colours and the emotions that are created when we see different colours.

In maths we have been looking at place value and how we make numbers with dienes. We enjoyed practising this by playing some games and the links are below if you want to try at home.



We also enjoyed prating our bonds of ten using Hit the Button

Hit The Button

All the adults who have worked in our class have been amazed at how well we both do our work and play together during wet play.

We are all looking forward to a happy and exciting year in Hazel Class.