Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Woodland Wednesday and an exciting delivery!
This week, we had our first visit to the woodland area! We explored the whole area, looking for trees, mushrooms and minibeasts.
We used our woodland time to achieve some badges towards becoming Guardians of the Wild from our Wetlands trip. We did some different activities, which included building bug hotels, finding pond life, creating animal sculptures with natural materials and making friends with trees. We found lots of different types of mushrooms, snails, slugs and bugs, and Danny even found a frog! Some of the class used clay to create creature sculptures. They used things like leaves and twigs to add details to their creatures.
We now have 2 official guardians of the wild in Hawthorn class! Remember you can complete activities at home to earn your badges too!
We also had an exciting delivery from TTS to our class this week. We received 5 brand new calming kittens and some calming activity cards to go in our class' calm corner. The cards include activities such as breathing exercises, repetitive actions, singing, chanting, and exercises. We hope that these toys will be an extra tool to help the class to regulate emotions when they need it.