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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Living Things

In Science this week, we have started talking about living things which links to our new topic this half-term; nature all around us. We watched part of a David Attenborough documentary to get us thinking about different kinds of living things. We made a list of some of the living things that we saw in the video or things that we already knew. A couple of children noted that humans and plants are also living things, not just animals! As they were drawing some pictures of living things in their books, we talked about how we know that something is living. "It moves". "They eat". "We have to drink water". "Sleeping". We will continue this topic in our science lessons every week.

In maths, we have been working really hard to secure our knowledge of numbers up to 20. We have been focusing on writing number lines and finding 1 more and 1 less.

In writing, the children have written whole sentences about what they would pack in their suitcase. We talked a lot about the 3 key things to structure a sentence - CAPITAL LETTER, FINGER SPACES, AND FULL STOP!

Please remember that on Wednesday (25th Sep), we will be going to the Wetlands centre for our terrific take-off! Your child should come to school in either school uniform or PE kit with sensible footwear as we will be doing a bit of walking. Trainers are fine! Please also make sure they will be warm all day and bring a packed lunch if you haven't ordered one from school.

Have a great weekend!