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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Expressive Art and Design

Expression Art Week, Zoolab, Beach Trip and more wow what a week.....

This week we started our week with the Zoolab visit. We all had a turn of holding Gary the Snail and Slim the Stick bug, along with helping to hold Stevie the Snake.


We have also enjoyed using our senses to feel how the beach might feel with superpower goggles on. 

We used describing words like 'smooth', 'hard',' crunchy'. These words helped write our class poem.


On Wednesday and Thursday, when some of us went to the beach, the rest of us made yummy gingerbread cookies.


We also learnt about the beach and shoreline in the Orchard garden this week.

We did have a cheeky paddle too!