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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God


What another great week of learning! The children showed me how independent they were on iPads and laptops.  They were able to turn them on, find the correct app or program, start them, add pictures, change the size of pictures, pick and change the colours. They were very impressed with their learning, and so they should be!

In writing we have been learning about using our core skills - I when talking about themselves, capital letters for places and names. Some children learnt about types of sentences - commands and statements. They wrote sentences to show their understanding of this learning.

In maths the children have been learning to add and subtract using a numberline and a 100 square. They have been working hard to get their numbers around the right way!

In Dance we are creating a new dance to link with the Great Fire of London topic. The children are loving being able to express themselves and show me their different movements.

In RE we have completed our Incarnation learning and have confidently talked about the Christmas story and Epiphany. 

Such a busy week! Looking forward to seeing Rainbow Theatre on Tuesday. If you have not paid for this please do so.