Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Puppets and Time
This week we have been sharing our puppets with Sycamore Class and learning all about clocks and telling the time.
In maths this week, we have been learning all about time making o'clock and half past times in Year 1 and the Yr2's have been challenging themselves to make quarter past and quarter to times.
In writing, we have been using adjectives to describe parts of our class story; The Three Little Pigs. We have also extended our writing using conjunctions to join sentences together.
In DT, we have shared our puppets talking about; what we used to make them, what animal they are and what we might do differently if we made another puppet. We used our listening skills to listen to other children talk about their puppets as well.
To finish off our DT learning, we have been evaluating our puppets and writing what we liked about them, what we didn't like about them and what we would do differently if we made another one.
In science, we did some great learning about the human body and labelling different parts of our bodies. We also thought about different habitats and microhabits, drawing different animals that might live in them.