Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
It's all about money, money, money....
We've had a great first week back with lots of exciting learning happening.
This week has been full of great learning and even greater performances.
In maths this week, we have been exploring money, being able to recognise and use it as well. Today, we had shops where the class could buy different things, and they really enjoyed this activity showing their understanding of money.
We also had our visit from the rainbow theatre today, which thoroughly entertained the children and taught them all about; the Three little pigs, the Three Billy goats gruff, Goldilocks and the three bears and finally Little Red riding hood. We had an amazing cameo from Mrs Burgess as the grandma in Little Red riding hood, which we all enjoyed.
From next week, if you have any lonely or old socks that we could use for sock puppets, then please bring them in as well as any old fabric that could be used in our DT learning. This would be much appreciated.