Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Fantastic Footballers
We all enjoyed our football session with coaches from Brighton and Hove football academy!
We have had another great week of learning this week.
In writing, we have been exploring and writing our own fact files about animals. We have included different tricky words, conjunctions and contractions to improve our writing.
In maths, we have been exploring division through sharing. We used sorting hoops and multilink cubes to explore the concept as well as drawing arrays to show our understanding.
In computing, we have delved into a variety of technology including fax machines, (which even Mr McCann didn't quite know how they worked!), old cameras and phones. We thought about their purpose and who might use them.
Finally, on Thursday, we had our football session with the coaches that run our after-school football club on Tuesdays. The class enjoyed the different games and practice drills they taught us helping to develop our ball control skills.