Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Our Marvellous Maths
We have had another great week of learning in Chestnut Class
This week in maths, we have been exploring using resources to solve addition and subtraction problems. The class has been using; numberlines, hundred squares, numicon and multilink to support their maths learning.
In writing, they have been practising using finger spaces and their handwriting as part of our core skills learning.
In science, we explored animals, seeing how many different animals they can name, including an armadillo (who uses its tail to help it stand up!!) and writing facts about them.
In Geography, we explored the human and physical features of Bognor Regis as well as learning about the weather forecast and the symbols used for each one. Some of the children even made their own forecasts. Let's hope they aren't all correct or there might be a lot of rain and thunderstorms.