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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

A Core Skills Week

All about learning this week....

During our PE lessons this week, we have been exploring balancing and what we can do to help us keep our balance by using our arms and keeping our backs straight.

In writing, we have been developing our core skills by using contractions in our writing and practising using our phonics to help us spell different words, including some of our tricky words.

For our science lesson, we went outside and sat in the playground to think about what we could hear, see and feel whilst linking this to seasonal changes in Autumn.

Finally, in our maths learning, we have been exploring ordering numbers by thinking about how many tens and ones are in the number. Today, we explored greater than and less than by using the signs which the children refer to as crocodiles, who always eat the bigger number.