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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Welcome to Chestnut Class

We had a great first week in Chestnut Class and did some amazing learning.

This week in our writing lessons, we have been exploring a story called The Suitcase and thought about what we would put in our own suitcases. At the end of the week, we hypothesised about what different cartoon characters would put in their suitcases, such as Elsa or the Gruffalo.

In Maths, we explored making numbers using dienes and numicon and looked at the tens and ones in a two-digit number. We also drew part, part, whole models which split numbers into tens and ones. 

Finally, in art, we explored mixing primary colours to make secondary colours using our fingers instead of paintbrushes. 

What a busy week we had!!!!