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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Terrific Trees

It has been a very busy couple of weeks in Chestnut Class!

We had our Terrific Take-off for our new learning topic Forests Everywhere. We were visited by a tree surgeon. He talked to us all about his job and how he looks after trees. He also showed us some of his equipment and how it works. It was so interesting!


We had our woodland session this week. It was all about trees! We learnt how to measure a tree by looking through our legs until we could see the top of the tree. Then count how many steps away we were and that is how many steps tall the tree is! We also looked for different types of trees in the woodland area.


We learnt about how water moves through tree trunks and branches. We also made a den using branches we found on the ground around us. 


In writing we made puppets so we could act out The Tine Forest


It has been a great couple of weeks!