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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

The end of our first half term

What a wonderful week we have had in Cherry class to finish our first half term together at school. The children have been busy learning all about Autumn and the seasonal changes. They are now expert Autumn leaf detectors! 

This week we read the story 'Leaf Man'. The children created their own leaf people using natural resources. They then thought carefully and shared the names of their creations and where their leaf man would go, just like in the story. 

We had a visit from Brent Lodge animal hospital. The children loved finding out about how they look after poorly wild animals in the hospital. Thank you so much for all of your donations to the hospital. They were very grateful. The children found out about hibernating animals, different woodland animals and species of owls. They were engaged and fascinated by the animal facts! The children have been drawing woodland animals all week long and labelling their pictures. 

In Maths we have continued to learn about patterns. This week we have looked at 3-step repeating patterns and the children have enjoyed creating their own patterns in different ways, by drawing and using concrete resources. 

In phonics we have been reviewing the sounds that we have already learnt and writing simple 3 letter words. The children are becoming more and more confident in their sound recognition and blending. 

The children have been learning about the creation story. We have been reading the story from the bible and the children have been drawing pictures of the different days and what God created on those days. 

Our week finished with a visit from 6 very cute and very cuddly PUPPIES!! Cherry class loved stroking and finding out about how to care for puppies. 

We have had a wonderful (and very busy) half term. I wish you all a fun and restful half term and I can't wait to hear about what the children have been up to.