Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
The last two weeks in cherry class we have been learning about ourselves. All the children have brought in pictures of themselves and their families. We have created a family tree in the classroom, displaying all our families. Each child has shared in front of the class and we have explored how all families are different and what makes us unique.
We have introduced toast during snack time on our snack table which the children have loved! The children have created self portraits using paint and thought carefully about the colours they were using.
We have been reading a range of texts including 'only one you', 'incredible you' and 'we are all welcome'. We have also been reading well known traditional tales such as 'Goldilocks and the three bears'.
We have continued to learn the initial sounds s a t p i n m d in phonics. The children have been reading simple words by sounding out (segmenting) and blending the sounds. As your child becomes more confident in their recall of the initial sounds we will be sending home reading books containing these sounds for them to read at home. Please read with your child and complete the yellow reading record book. The children have also been writing their names in different ways. Practising your child's name with them at home is a great way for them to consolidate this.
In Maths we have been learning about the numbers 1-5, making them using a range of resources, counting, ordering and recognising them.
We have just introduced a farm shop role play area, to link to the children's learning about the harvest festival.
Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.