Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Our first full week of fun!
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The children in cherry class have settled in so well to their new school! We have had a fantastic week getting to know new friends and playing with each other. We have had lots of circle time games where the children have shared their names and their favourite toys. They have been learning about the rules and routines of the school day.
This week we had our first trip to the woodland! The children loved exploring the new environment! They got themselves changed and into their wellies ready to dig in the mud, find bugs and learn about how to look after the woodland space when they are there.
The children have been doing lots of singing, learning rhymes and counting songs. Cherry class definitely love a dance! We have been having lots of movement breaks throughout the day.
The children have been enjoying the small words and large construction outside.
Next week we will begin phase 2 phonics lessons, where the children will begin learning the initial sounds. Practice blending words at home through sound talking words during play or instructions. Can you pass me the f-or-k? Do you want to make a c-a-k-e?
This will help the children when they come to blending words for reading.
Practice recognising the initial sounds in words. What sound does dog start with? yes, 'd'. What else starts with the sound 'd'?
Next week we will be learning all about ourselves and our families. Please bring in a photo or upload a photo to Tapestry of your child and their family, ready for them to share with the class.
-Please bring in wellies and waterproofs for Thursdays woodland sessions
-Please label all uniform, including shoes!
-Reading phonics books will be changed on Mondays
-Please fill in reading records every time you read with your child
-We will be visiting the school library to change our library books (Day TBC)
We can't wait for another super exciting week at school!