Nyewood CE Infant School
Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God
Welcome to Cherry Class
We have had a fantastic first week in Cherry class. I have been so proud of all of the children at how well they have settled into school life. They have been learning about rules and routines as well as making friends. They have been exploring and learning in their new environment. Lots of the children in cherry class have shown an interest in small world characters, play dough and the home corner.
This week we will begin our first phonics lessons and we will be sending home with children their first phonics books to share at home with you. The phase 1 phonics books don't have any words in. These are for you to share with your child and for them to articulate in sentences and retell what is happening in the pictures. Ask them questions about what is happening.
On Wednesday this week the children will begin full days until 3.10pm. Please also remember to pack woodland kit- including wellies, a coat and waterproofs for Woodland on Thursdays.
What a wonderful first week it has been! We look forward to another super week at school.
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