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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Butterfly release

This week in Cherry Class we continued to focus on the author 'Eric Carle'. We read the story 'The Tiny seed'. The children retold the story verbally, linking the story to what we know about seasonal changes and how plants grow. 

We were very excited that 5 butterflies came out of their cocoons! We released them on Friday afternoon by the woodland area. Some of the children were very lucky to have the butterflies sit on their hands. We thought that the woodland was a good place for them to find a home and to drink nectar from flowers. 

We had a sports day run through with the junior school. It was a very exciting day! We look forward to the real sports day in a few weeks time. 

In Maths we have learnt all about halving. We have found halves of shapes and objects. We have cut out pictures and halved them too. Why not see if you can find halves this weekend. 

In phonics we have continued to learn phase 4. We have been blending longer words using phase 4 blends. 

Next week we have Zoolab in to visit us for some creature encounters and we have our beach trip. Please remember to wear suncream, a sun hat, a bucket and spade and trainers for the beach trip next week.