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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

People who help us

This week we continued learning about people who help us. We welcomed in Otis' Mum who is an occupational therapist and Charlotte's Dad who is a nurse. It was great to find out about people's caring jobs and how they look after and help people who need it. 

This week lots of children drew a picture and wrote a caption about who helps them. We have had lots of class discussions about different roles in society and when we might need these people to help us. Some of the children have begun to make thank you cards too. On Tuesday next week we are hoping to welcome in the fire service (for hopefully longer!). 

We welcomed in the children's grown ups for a day to show them what we do in cherry class. Thank you to all of the adults who came along to visit us. 

In Maths we continued to learn about subtraction. We solved subtraction stories including the language "First there were... then.... were taken away and now there are....". Have a go at solving simple subtraction problems using manipulatives at home. Our favourite was pretending to eat fruit and taking it away!

In phonics we have been continuing to learn about phase 4 blends. We read words such as "scrunch, squelch and stamp". We learnt the tricky words: little, love, here, were. Can you have a go at writing them at home or spotting them in your reading books?

During discovery time the children have loved going outside more this week, as the weather seems to be improving!

We returned our tadpoles to the woodland area where they were from. We look forward to going back to visit them each week and watching them as they grow into froglets and frogs in the woodland area. 

Have a lovely long weekend and we look forward to welcoming you back in on Tuesday when we will be learning all about plants!