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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Traditional Tales

This week we have been retelling traditional tales - with a focus on Little Red Riding Hood. The children made their own books, wrote captions and created story maps. Lots of the class created WANTED posters for the big bad wolf to stick around the classroom. We developed the use of adjectives to describe the wolf in different ways. 

In Maths we have been learning about addition. We have linked our learning in Maths to traditional tales. For example- One little pig has 3 bricks, the other one has 4 bricks. How many bricks do they have altogether? We have been interpreting addition number sentences and the children have been using concrete resources and objects to find the answers. 

In phonics we have been learning to read words with the -ing suffix. For example- morning, chatting, winking, zooming. 

This week we didn't manage to get to the woodland area, as it was a very rainy, windy and extra muddy day! But we look forward to going next week. 

The class continue to love P.E- we have been learning to move in different ways, using control and balance to improve our travelling. This week we put out movements to slow and fast music. The children had to match the speed of their movements to the music. 

We finished our week with comic relief's 'Wear something funny for money'. The children came to school in some brilliant outfits! We had a day full of giggles as well as learning about the important work that the charity 'comic relief' does for children around the world. 

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday!