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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Happy New Year!

We were so excited to welcome Cherry Class back to school after the Christmas holidays. The children were very keen to share their Christmas experiences and gifts that they had over the holidays. Lots of the children drew a picture and wrote a word or caption about their favourite memory or gift. We shared what an important time of year it was for sharing happiness with our families and friends and thought of examples of kindness during the Christmas break. 

The children have learnt three new sounds this week 'ai', 'ee' and 'igh'. They read and wrote words containing these sounds. Why not see if you can find these sounds in their reading books or books at home with them. Have a go at writing some words containing these sounds with them. 

In Maths we have been counting, ordering and making numbers within 10. 

This week has been a whole school 'behaviour' week. We have been learning about the rules and routines of being at school. Ask your child what they can remember about behaviour week. Can they tell you one of the behaviours we practised this week? Cherry Class have been particularly good at saying please and thank you, lining up in their register order and remembering to tidy up our classroom. 

Our role play area this week has been a cafe. The children have loved acting in role as the chef, waiters and visitors to the cafe. They have been writing order forms and practising recognising some coins to pay.

We look forward to another exciting half term and can't wait for all of the fun learning we have in store! We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.