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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Hibernation is here!

This week when we went into the Woodland area, the children noticed the Hedgehog box. We then explored what hibernation is and which animals hibernate. This linked well to the learning we have been doing about different animals. Ask your child which animals they remember that hibernate and where they chose to hibernate. We found out that hedgehogs like to hibernate in piles of leaves, the queen bee digs a hole in the ground to hibernate and that toads like to hibernate in log piles. 

We learnt the sounds, ch, sh, th, ng and nk this week in phonics. See if you can spot any of these sounds in your reading books. 

In Maths we have been learning about more and less and noticing this in our environment. We have found groups of more and less in concrete, pictorial and numeric representations. 

We are very excited about our visit on Monday from the team at Barn Lodge Animal Hospital. We look forward to finding out more about hibernation and how they look after unwell animals. 

I have been very pleased with the brilliant start the children have made to learning the Nativity Worship. We look forward to performing this to you at the end of the term. Look out for the invite that the children will make for you next week.