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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Children in Need

We have had a brilliant week in Cherry Class this week, jam packed with lots of exciting learning! 

On Monday, we went to the woodland area and found a letter from the Owl Babies. We have been reading and using the story 'Owl Babies' within our learning. Some children have written letters back to the owls and others have made owls out of resources such as pine cones. We have all enjoyed retelling the story and using role play to act it out. 

Our role play area has turned into a vets this week. The children in Cherry Class have been interested in caring for animals and the role vets play. Following the children's interests, we have arranged a visitor from Barn Lodge in the coming weeks for us to find out more about caring for animals. 

In phonics, we have learnt the sounds z,zz,ch and qu. We have been reading and writing words containing these sounds. In Maths, we have been comparing numbers, which are more and less. Have a go at comparing amounts in the house. For example, 'Do we have more apples or bananas in the fruit bowl?' See if your child can tell you. 

To finish off a great week we have been celebrating 'BBC Children in Need Day'. Lots of children came dressed in their own clothes and brought in £1 to donate to charity. We have been talking lots about children who might need help and how this amazing charity helps them. We have also talked about how good it feels to take part in helping others.