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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Our First Week Back

We hope you enjoyed your half term break. I enjoyed hearing about all the adventures that the children got up to over the well deserved week off school.

What a busy first week we have had back at school! This week we visited the woodland area and we enjoyed retelling the story "We are going on a bear hunt". 

We learnt all about Bonfire night and what to expect during the weekend. We created lots of firework inspired art and writing. Our role play area turned into a camping trip and we created a bonfire to cook marshmallows and sausages on. 

In Maths, we learnt about repeated patterns and we created some patterns using actions, with physical resources (such as shapes) and with pictures. 

In phonics, we revisited the sounds taught so far and learnt the new sounds ss, ff, ll and j. Ask your child if they can tell you which sounds they are and spot these in words around your environment. We have been sounding out words phonetically, so practise this at home with your child too.  

We are very excited to start our 'Muddy Mondays' next week. Please ensure that your child has a waterproof coat and wellies. Have a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing you bright and early on Monday morning!