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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Welcome to Cherry Class!

Wow! What a busy first three weeks we have had in cherry class. We have been settling into our new class and getting to know our teachers and the other children in the class. We have been making lots of new friends and getting to know our environment and new routines, such as how to get our lunches at lunchtime and where all our belongings go in our classrooms. Our main focus for learning has been through play within our environment and getting to know one another. 

In phonics we have now learnt the sounds s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d. Why not ask your child if they can spot these initial sounds at the beginning of objects at home. For example, I am going to have an apple, what sound can you hear at the start of apple? We will be visiting the library weekly to change our library books and we will be changing our phonics books weekly too. Please record all reading with your child in their yellow reading record. 

In Maths we have been learning to recognise, make and count up to 5. We have also been singing lots of number songs. 

We have been reading lots of books this week. Our favourite has been Goldilocks and the Three bears and Handa's surprise. Ask your child if they can tell you about what happens in these books. 

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday. 

Miss Perkins :)