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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Cherry Class Blog 2023-24

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  • Pirates

    Published 12/07/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We have continued to learn about pirates this week. The children have been excited to find out real facts about pirates that lived a long time ago. They have enjoyed creative opportunities as well as role playing in our pirate ship role play area or with the small world tuff trays. 

    They have labelled pirate ships, written pirate facts and created their own pirate names. 

    Some children created boats out of junk modelling and tested to see if they float or sink. 

    In Maths this week we have been consolidating our number and place value within 20. 

    In Phonics this week we have been consolidating and beginning to assess the children's phonics knowledge. 

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  • Ahoy!

    Published 05/07/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had a super week in Cherry Class! The children have been learning all about pirates this week. We have had pirate ship role play areas, boat making and more! The children have learnt how to talk like a pirate and what accessories/ clothes pirates have. 

    The children have been writing about pirates, including labelling them, writing them shopping lists for their journeys and making treasure maps. 

    In maths, we have been learning about teen numbers. The children have been ordering numbers within 20, finding missing numbers, creating numbers using concrete resources and recognising and counting amounts. 

    In phonics, we have been continuing to consolidate our phase 2 and 3 sound recognition and application of the phase 4 blends. Don't forget to read with your child at home and complete the reading records. 

    This week in the woodland we found a frog from the pond! We also explored our changing environment as we are now in summer.

    Last week we had sports day - the children loved taking part in their first ever sports day! Thank you to all of the families who came along to cheer them on and enjoy a picnic with them afterwards. 

    On Wednesday this week, the children went to their new classes to experience what it will be like in year 1 in September with their new teacher and in their new classroom. Everyone had a lovely morning and all the children came back smiley and ready to tell me all about their new classes. 

    Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to welcoming the children in on Monday for another fun packed week! 

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  • Beach Trip

    Published 14/06/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had such a busy and exciting week in Cherry Class! On Monday we had a visitor from Zoolab come in with a range of animals. We found out fantastic facts and we got to hold or touch some of the animals too. 

    Lots of the children wrote about their favourite animals or facts about the animals which they met. 

    On Wednesday we visited the beach. We walked down there, explored the environment, made sandcastles and had a picnic. The children loved talking about their experiences and creating under the sea and beach artwork. 

    In Maths, we have continued to learn about equal sharing. The children have shared out beach items such as shells and stones. 

    We have had under the sea small world areas and we have begun to change our role play area into a beach cafe. The children have loved learning about the seaside and next week we will be moving onto following their interests about under the sea creatures. I wonder if your child could find out more about their favourite sea creature at home to share with the class. 

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  • Butterfly release

    Published 07/06/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in Cherry Class we continued to focus on the author 'Eric Carle'. We read the story 'The Tiny seed'. The children retold the story verbally, linking the story to what we know about seasonal changes and how plants grow. 

    We were very excited that 5 butterflies came out of their cocoons! We released them on Friday afternoon by the woodland area. Some of the children were very lucky to have the butterflies sit on their hands. We thought that the woodland was a good place for them to find a home and to drink nectar from flowers. 

    We had a sports day run through with the junior school. It was a very exciting day! We look forward to the real sports day in a few weeks time. 

    In Maths we have learnt all about halving. We have found halves of shapes and objects. We have cut out pictures and halved them too. Why not see if you can find halves this weekend. 

    In phonics we have continued to learn phase 4. We have been blending longer words using phase 4 blends. 

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  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar

    Published 24/05/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in Cherry Class we have been continuing to learn about seasonal changes in nature.

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  • Planting!

    Published 17/05/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in cherry class we have been continuing to learn about plants. We have planted sunflowers, cress, bean plants and carrots. The children have been watching as their own sunflowers begin to grow shoots! We have been learning about how to look after plants with sunlight and water. 

    The children have been creating instruction books on how to look after plants, drawing and writing about plants and labelling pictures including words such as stem, roots, leaves and petals. 

    In phonics we have been continuing to focus on phase 4 blends. We have been reading longer words with the -ing and -est suffix. We have read words such as:

    In Maths we have continued to learn about doubles. The children have been doubling different numbers using resources and have been recalling double facts. 

    I hope you all have a restful weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week for our last week before half term!


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  • A week of planting and visitors

    Published 10/05/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had a super week in Cherry Class and we look forward to another fun packed week next week. 

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  • People who help us

    Published 03/05/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week we continued learning about people who help us. We welcomed in Otis' Mum who is an occupational therapist and Charlotte's Dad who is a nurse. It was great to find out about people's caring jobs and how they look after and help people who need it. 

    This week lots of children drew a picture and wrote a caption about who helps them. We have had lots of class discussions about different roles in society and when we might need these people to help us. Some of the children have begun to make thank you cards too. On Tuesday next week we are hoping to welcome in the fire service (for hopefully longer!). 

    We welcomed in the children's grown ups for a day to show them what we do in cherry class. Thank you to all of the adults who came along to visit us. 

    In Maths we continued to learn about subtraction. We solved subtraction stories including the language "First there were... then.... were taken away and now there are....". Have a go at solving simple subtraction problems using manipulatives at home. Our favourite was pretending to eat fruit and taking it away!

    In phonics we have been continuing to learn about phase 4 blends. We read words such as "scrunch, squelch and stamp". We learnt the tricky words: little, love, here, were. Can you have a go at writing them at home or spotting them in your reading books?

    During discovery time the children have loved going outside more this week, as the weather seems to be improving!

    We returned our tadpoles to the woodland area where they were from. We look forward to going back to visit them each week and watching them as they grow into froglets and frogs in the woodland area. 

    Have a lovely long weekend and we look forward to welcoming you back in on Tuesday when we will be learning all about plants! 


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  • People who help us

    Published 26/04/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in Cherry Class we have been learning about people who help us. We have had some parent visitors in to tell us about the jobs they do that help people. 

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  • Welcome back!

    Published 19/04/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We hope that everyone had an enjoyable and restful Easter break. We loved hearing about what everyone got up to during the holidays. The children shared their memories with the rest of the class and some children wrote or drew pictures about what they enjoyed doing. 

    This week we have been learning about people who help us. We had fire fighters in to visit us, but unfortunately they were called out for an emergency! This was a shame but we look forward to them coming back in with their fire engine in a couple of weeks time. Cherry Class decided to create a fire station role play area. Lots of the children helped with the ideas and putting this together. They have enjoyed acting in role as fire fighters. 

    Some children have been doing some fantastic writing of captions about fire fighters and others have been reading a range of non-fiction texts about people who help us to find out more. In the next 2 weeks we will be learning about lots more people who help us and their jobs. Please sign up to come in to talk to the children if you have a profession who helps us. 

    In phonics we have moved onto phase 4. This includes all the sounds we have learnt up to this point, with new blends. We have been reading the words such as tent, help and chunk. We have also learnt the new tricky words: have, like, so, said. Can you spot any of these words in your reading or library books? Can you have a go at spelling these words at home?

    In Maths we have continued our learning about addition. We have solved addition number sentences using concrete resources. Can you add amounts together within 10? 

    In the woodland area we noticed lots of seasonal changes, including the lovely bluebells which have grown. We learnt about nests and how different birds use different resources to make their nests. The children worked in groups to make nests using natural resources. 

    What a busy week back at school! I hope you have a restful and fun weekend and I look forward to seeing you all next week. 

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  • Easter

    Published 28/03/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week we have been continuing our learning around Easter and Spring time. We have been learning about the Easter story and we visited the local church for an Easter service. We really enjoyed our first outing as a class... although we did get quite wet! Thank you to all of the parents/carers who attended. 

    The children have been making and writing Easter cards, creating pictures using different materials such as oil pastels and they have been writing factual captions about Spring. 

    We have been continuing our learning with addition - the children have been playing 'lucky dip' with Easter egg numbers and then using addition and concrete resources to solve problems. 

    In phonics, we have been revisiting the sounds we have learnt, including reading compound words such as rooftop, carpark and popcorn. 

    We have been continuing to learn about spring. The children have created nests for animals, made spring potions and have been describing their immediate environments as we change season. 

    I wish everyone a fun and restful Easter holidays and I can't wait to hear what the children have been up to when we come back to school for the Summer term. 

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  • Spring has sprung!

    Published 22/03/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had a very busy week in Cherry Class! We have been learning all about spring time. We have explored signs of spring in our woodland area, written captions about spring photos and have used different materials to create spring flower/ blossom pictures. We have had discussions about seasonal changes and have compared spring to the other seasons which we have learnt about. We have been making petal potions and describing what we can see and smell. 

    We have learnt about animals and their young, matched these and found out the names of some of them. 

    We have been practising threading skills and developing our fine motor accuracy by making bracelets and necklaces for our friends. 

    In Maths, we have continued to learn about addition. We have used concrete resources to solve addition problems. Some children have written their own addition number sentences. We have been using the phrase 'prove it to me' to encourage children to demonstrate how they found the answer.  

    In our role play area we have had a hairdressers. The children have all enjoyed taking a trip to the hairdressers and acting in role. 

    On Friday, the children wore Easter bonnets to school and we had an Easter bonnet parade during worship time. In RE we have been learning about the Easter story. We ended the week with the Easter fair after school. 

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