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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Cherry Class Blog 2023-24

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  • Hibernation is here!

    Published 24/11/23, by Natalie Perkins

    This week when we went into the Woodland area, the children noticed the Hedgehog box. We then explored what hibernation is and which animals hibernate. This linked well to the learning we have been doing about different animals. Ask your child which animals they remember that hibernate and where they chose to hibernate. We found out that hedgehogs like to hibernate in piles of leaves, the queen bee digs a hole in the ground to hibernate and that toads like to hibernate in log piles. 

    We learnt the sounds, ch, sh, th, ng and nk this week in phonics. See if you can spot any of these sounds in your reading books. 

    In Maths we have been learning about more and less and noticing this in our environment. We have found groups of more and less in concrete, pictorial and numeric representations. 

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  • Children in Need

    Published 17/11/23, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had a brilliant week in Cherry Class this week, jam packed with lots of exciting learning! 

    On Monday, we went to the woodland area and found a letter from the Owl Babies. We have been reading and using the story 'Owl Babies' within our learning. Some children have written letters back to the owls and others have made owls out of resources such as pine cones. We have all enjoyed retelling the story and using role play to act it out. 

    Our role play area has turned into a vets this week. The children in Cherry Class have been interested in caring for animals and the role vets play. Following the children's interests, we have arranged a visitor from Barn Lodge in the coming weeks for us to find out more about caring for animals. 

    In phonics, we have learnt the sounds z,zz,ch and qu. We have been reading and writing words containing these sounds. In Maths, we have been comparing numbers, which are more and less. Have a go at comparing amounts in the house. For example, 'Do we have more apples or bananas in the fruit bowl?' See if your child can tell you. 

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  • Diwali and Remembrance

    Published 10/11/23, by Natalie Perkins

    What a busy week it has been in Cherry Class this week! 

    We kick started our week off with our first 'Muddy Monday' trip to the Woodland area. We enjoyed exploring our environment and we did mud painting, collected Autumn findings and matched the colours and we made woodland fairies! 

    We have learnt all about the Hindu celebration of Diwali this week and we made Diva lamps and Rangoli patterns. We loved looking at the colourful pictures and trying on some of the clothes that Hindu's wear for this celebration. Ask your child if they can tell you about the story of Rama and Sita which we read together this week. 

    In phonics this week we learnt the sounds 'y,v,w,x'. Ask your child if they can recognise these words and have a go at writing them. We have also been practising reading the tricky words 'has,his and her'. 

    In maths we have learnt all about repeating patterns this week. We have also been counting daily and have been recognising and writing digits and counting out amounts within 5. 

    To finish our week we learnt about Remembrance Day. We all created our own poppy and took part in a minute silence with the whole school. 

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  • Our First Week Back

    Published 03/11/23, by Natalie Perkins

    We hope you enjoyed your half term break. I enjoyed hearing about all the adventures that the children got up to over the well deserved week off school.

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  • Autumn is here!

    Published 13/10/23, by Natalie Perkins

    In Cherry Class this week we have been learning all about the changes in the season into Autumn. We have been to our woodland area to explore and we have been on Autumn walks. We have discovered that the leaves are changing colours and that the weather feels cooler. Why not ask us about this at home and see if you can find some signs of Autumn when you are outside.

    Can you find?
    -Leaves (browns, orange,red, yellow)
    - Helicopter seeds 
    -Weather changes

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  • Welcome to Cherry Class!

    Published 22/09/23, by Natalie Perkins

    Wow! What a busy first three weeks we have had in cherry class. We have been settling into our new class and getting to know our teachers and the other children in the class. We have been making lots of new friends and getting to know our environment and new routines, such as how to get our lunches at lunchtime and where all our belongings go in our classrooms. Our main focus for learning has been through play within our environment and getting to know one another. 

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