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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Cherry Class Blog 2023-24

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  • Traditional Tales

    Published 15/03/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week we have been retelling traditional tales - with a focus on Little Red Riding Hood. The children made their own books, wrote captions and created story maps. Lots of the class created WANTED posters for the big bad wolf to stick around the classroom. We developed the use of adjectives to describe the wolf in different ways. 

    In Maths we have been learning about addition. We have linked our learning in Maths to traditional tales. For example- One little pig has 3 bricks, the other one has 4 bricks. How many bricks do they have altogether? We have been interpreting addition number sentences and the children have been using concrete resources and objects to find the answers. 

    In phonics we have been learning to read words with the -ing suffix. For example- morning, chatting, winking, zooming. 

    This week we didn't manage to get to the woodland area, as it was a very rainy, windy and extra muddy day! But we look forward to going next week. 

    The class continue to love P.E- we have been learning to move in different ways, using control and balance to improve our travelling. This week we put out movements to slow and fast music. The children had to match the speed of their movements to the music. 

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  • World Book Day

    Published 08/03/24, by Natalie Perkins

    What a busy week in Cherry Class! 

    We celebrated World Book Day on Thursday. The children loved dressing up as their favourite book characters and coming dressed up in their costumes. The children shared their costumes with the class and told everyone which book they were from. We read a range of stories, some children acting in role as their characters and others made their own books. 

    We have begun a focus on traditional tales this week, linking to World Book Day. We have been retelling the story 'Little Red Riding Hood'. The children have been enjoying retelling the story in our 'Grandma's house' role play area. 

    In Maths this week we have been learning about number bonds within and to 10. The children have been using concrete resources to make these number bonds and have also been writing number sentences or talking number sentences to go along with them. 

    Our tadpoles have grown so much! The children continue to be fascinated by these. The children have been describing them and making scientific observations, drawing and describing what they can see changing. 


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  • Frogspawn and Trains

    Published 01/03/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had another busy week in Cherry Class. We began our week by visiting the pond to collect frogspawn to keep in our classroom. We have been watching as some have begun to grow into tadpoles and hatch. Some children have been writing words and captions to describe what they can see and what they have found. 

    On Wednesday we had our sponsored bounce - this was lots of fun! We also raised money for charity on Thursday for homeless veterans. The children came to school dressed in their PJs which was very cosy! Some children asked if they could come in these every day!

    Following some the children's interest around transport and vehicles, we created a class role play area of a train station. The children have been going on train journeys and taking on the role as train driver, ticket officer, traveller and more. We have also been learning about London, the king and have been beginning to name landmarks in London. 

    In Maths, we have been learning all about number bonds to and within 10. Why not ask the children what a number bond means. We have been exploring number bonds with the use of concrete resources, including Numicon and multi-link. 

    In phonics, we have been reading longer words containing the -er digraph at the end. For example- digger, better and butter. We have been continuing to revise the tricky words - full, sure, pure, are, all. 

    We look forward to another exciting week at school next week- Don't forget that World Book Day is on Thursday! We can't wait to see the children's costumes and have lots of fun reading and exploring our favourite texts and stories. 

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  • Chinese New Year

    Published 23/02/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in Cherry Class we have been learning all about 'Chinese New Year'. The children have been acting as visitors, chefs and waitors at our Chinese resturant/ take away. They have been learning about Chinese New Year celebrations, including the zodiac animals, Chinese cuisine, lantern craft and red money envelopes. 

    We have read a range of stories and non-fiction texts about Chinese New year - including the story of 'The Great Race'. The children have enjoyed writing menus, order forms, lists of the zodiac animals and captions about pictures for the Chinese New Year. 

    In maths we have been deepening our knowledge around the place value of numbers 1-10. We have been recognising missing numbers and using our knowledge of one more and one less to help us. We have also learnt the names of common 2D shapes and recognised them in everyday objects. 

    The children loved the trip to the woodland this week were we found so much frogspawn! On our visit next week, we will be collecting a small amount of frogspawn to observe in our classroom - afterwards we will be returning it to the pond. 

    In phonics, the children have been continuing to revise the sounds they have learnt. Please continue to read with your child reguarly to help support them with their reading development. 

    We look forward to another exciting week next week and can't wait to share our learning with you. 

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  • Wonder Dome

    Published 08/02/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had a brilliant week in Cherry Class! We have continued our learning about space this week. We have been learning about the different planets, the moon and stars. We have labelled astronauts, written captions about space pictures and have made lists of what astronauts might need in space. 

    We were given a huge cardboard box from the junior school. The children designed, painted and created a space rocket. They then used this to role play space adventures. 

    In phonics we have been reviewing the sounds we have been taught and we have had an assessment week. 

    In Maths we have been finding one less than numbers within 10. 

    We had a very exciting visit from the Wonder Dome - the children loved this experience and were in awe of the space images all around them. We learnt all about how astronauts travel to space and what it is like on the moon and Mars. 

    We finished our week by learning about lent and pancake day. The children made and tried their own pancakes with different toppings. They talked about what they liked and didn't like. Some children wrote instructions about how to make a pancake and others made faces out of pancake toppings. In the role play area, we made a pancake restaurant. 

    I hope everyone has a lovely and relaxing half term and we look forward to welcoming everyone back to school. 

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  • Space

    Published 01/02/24, by Natalie Perkins

    In Cherry Class this week we had a very exciting arrival of a space rocket in our role play area. The children have loved acting in role as astronauts, going on space missions and exploring the universe. 

    We have been finding out lots of facts about space, including how many planets there are, what some names of planets are and how astronauts float in space. Ask your child if they can tell you some of the facts that we have learnt this week. 

    We have enjoyed reading many space themed texts including 'Field trip to the Moon', non-fiction texts about space and our new favourite 'Aliens love underpants!'. The children designed a new pair of pants for the aliens and some children wrote adjectives to describe them. Other children wrote a letter to the aliens about their new pants. We have also written within our environment- including lists of what we would take on a space adventure and labels for a space rocket. 

    The children have been learning about counting on and back in Maths. We have been finding one less than numbers within 10. 

    In phonics we have reviewed the sounds that we know and have been reading longer words such as laptop and hammer. 

    We are very excited for our visitors from the Wonderdome next week.

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  • Winter

    Published 26/01/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in Cherry Class we have been learning all about the change of season in winter time. We visited our woodland area last week and took looks of pictures of signs of winter and some children wrote sentences about these pictures we took. 

    Cherry Class noticed that there weren't as many birds around. We made bird feeders to help the birds to have some food in the winter. We enjoyed learning about the steps to make a bird feeder and some children drew pictures and wrote steps about how to make a bird feeder. 

    In maths, the children have been finding one more than numbers within 10. They have used concrete resources to make numbers and have added one more on to find the answer. 

    In phonics, we learnt the sounds 'ear' and 'er'. We read words containing these sounds. We also learnt the tricky words 'pure' and 'sure'. 

    We listened to winter music and created our own winter sound scapes, using instruments that we thought sounded most like winter. 

    We had another busy week in Cherry Class! We look forward to the last two weeks of the half term! 


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  • Penguins

    Published 19/01/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in Cherry Class we have been learning about penguins.  

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  • Snow much fun!

    Published 11/01/24, by Natalie Perkins

    This week in Cherry Class we had a special delivery- a lost penguin called Flipper, with a letter and the story "Lost and Found" by Oliver Jeffers. The children were very worried about the little lost penguin which had turned up in our classroom. They have done a fantastic job at looking after him. Some children have made it a bed, others have wanted to find out information about the penguin, such as what penguins eat and where they live. We went on to read the story and the children have been using role play to retell the story through small world characters. Some children have written a description about the penguin, including adjectives about how he felt in the story. 

    We have also been learning about cold places, including Antarctica, where penguins are from. As if by magic, it also snowed! We were very excited to play in the snow during our lunch break on Tuesday. Cherry Class were a bit disappointed that the snow didn't last long but we learnt a lot about how snow melts into water. We have also been freezing toys in our outdoor areas for children to explore ice. 

    In Maths, we have been learning about the number and place value of numbers 0-10. The children have been ordering, making using resources and drawing amounts to represent the numbers. 

    In phonics, Cherry Class have learnt the sounds "oa, oo, oo, ar, or". 

    See if the children can read words containing these sounds. 

    They have also learnt the tricky words "you, they, was".

    We were very excited to have the author Christine Chambers visit us and read to us her book, "Red fox does what? Surely Not!". Cherry Class's favourite part of the story was when the fox made chocolate cake and shared it with his friends. 

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  • Happy New Year!

    Published 05/01/24, by Natalie Perkins

    We were so excited to welcome Cherry Class back to school after the Christmas holidays. The children were very keen to share their Christmas experiences and gifts that they had over the holidays. Lots of the children drew a picture and wrote a word or caption about their favourite memory or gift. We shared what an important time of year it was for sharing happiness with our families and friends and thought of examples of kindness during the Christmas break. 

    The children have learnt three new sounds this week 'ai', 'ee' and 'igh'. They read and wrote words containing these sounds. Why not see if you can find these sounds in their reading books or books at home with them. Have a go at writing some words containing these sounds with them. 

    In Maths we have been counting, ordering and making numbers within 10. 

    This week has been a whole school 'behaviour' week. We have been learning about the rules and routines of being at school. Ask your child what they can remember about behaviour week. Can they tell you one of the behaviours we practised this week? Cherry Class have been particularly good at saying please and thank you, lining up in their register order and remembering to tidy up our classroom. 

    Our role play area this week has been a cafe. The children have loved acting in role as the chef, waiters and visitors to the cafe. They have been writing order forms and practising recognising some coins to pay.

    We look forward to another exciting half term and can't wait for all of the fun learning we have in store! We hope you have a lovely weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday. 

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  • Christmas in Cherry Class

    Published 15/12/23, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had a magical two weeks of Christmas fun in Cherry Class. We learnt all about the Christmas story and performed this to our grown ups at our Christmas worship. I was so proud of each and every one of the children for their fantastic performance. 

    We have baked Christmas biscuits, written letters to Father Christmas, ordered Christmas numbers 1-10, created Christmas cards and decorations. We have been very busy! 

    In phonics, we revisited the sounds previously taught, with a focus on the digraphs (ch, sh, th, nk, ng, qu). Please read with your children over the Christmas break and practise the sounds using the phonics mats which we have sent home. 

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  • Advent Day

    Published 01/12/23, by Natalie Perkins

    We have had a fantastic week in Cherry Class. We kicked off the week with a brilliant visitor from Brent Lodge Animal Hospital. We found out all about different owl calls, nocturnal animals and hibernation. We enjoyed finding out about how they look after sick animals who go to them. This led to us writing hibernation lists and writing captions about poorly animals. 

    We ended our week with Advent day. We were very excited to begin the count down to Christmas. We learnt all about the Christmas story and created a class advent calendar. 

    We didn't learn new sounds this week, but we revised and consolidated prior learning. In maths we learnt about numbers 6-10. 

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