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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

What a busy week!

This week in Apple Class...

We have spent some more time learning how to group and count items in 2s, 5s and 10s during our mathematics lessons, creating and writing a diary entry in our writing lessons and learning about Good News in RE.  On top of that, we have spent time in the Woodland Area this week when we made seed bombs, planted daffodil bulbs and made our own special type of bread using flour and yogurt.

To finish the week off, we had a very special visit from Sussex Underwater, who showed us videos that were taken off the coast of Bognor Regis, and we spotted some very surprising animals just off our coastline.  We then helped to create a wall of very impressive seascape images and creatures.

Here is a link to a mathematics game that might help the children embed some of the addition learning they have been doing in Year 2.

Stone Age Stu - Addition