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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Spring Term is in full flow...

This week in Apple Class...

We have spent time this week thinking about how the Great Fire of London can support our writing; learning about using statements and commands to add some emphasis to our writing.  We have also spent time this week learning about addition and subtraction using a different method than we used last term.  In our PE lessons, we have started to think about different dance moves that we can use for our fire dance and in Science, we have been exploring and learning about different materials that are all around us.

Here are a couple of links to things that may be able to help and support the children to understand the maths that we have been learning in the last week or so.

Robot Maths - Addition and subtraction skills

Daily Mental Maths Challenges


We have the Rainbow Theatre visiting us next week to help us with our Great Fire of London learning.  If you haven't made your financial contribution yet, please do so as soon as possible on MCAS.  These types of events are useful for the children to be able to see and understand what they are learning about.

Secret Reader - if you would like to be a secret reader on a Monday afternoon - where you can come in with a story and share it with the children in our class, please see the sign up sheet in the classroom window and speak to Mr Brown about booking in.