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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Welcome to Apple Class

Week one - done!

The first week in Apple Class was a very busy week!  We have been learning about how numbers are made using tens & ones and words in mathematics, learning about the school rules in RSHE and beginning to understand the rules and routines in Year 2 P.E.

Please keep an eye out for a letter about the trip we are going to take to the Wetlands Centre in Arundel - we need this back as soon as possible.  If you are able to help with the trip, please indicate  so on the letter and the office will be in touch.

As a reminder - all children should come to school with a bottle of fresh drinking water each day and be dressed appropriately for the weather (jumpers and coats on the duller days).  All items of clothing should be named as this leads to less confusion when things go missing.

We should be starting our traditional Tuesday morning reading and writing sessions with parents in October - so please keep an eye out for more information about that.