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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Year 2 Leavers' Service

The highlight of my week this week was sharing a special service at St Wilfrid's with our Year 2 leavers...

It was wonderful to come together with the children, staff, families and friends of our Year 2 children this week. We enjoyed a very special service of celebration at the Church led by the children in Chestnut, Apple and Hazel classes. They did a super job sharing their many memories of the wonderful times they have had over the year at the school as well as looking ahead to what they are excited by in the future. I particularly enjoyed hearing the children's aspirations for when they grow up - it will be wonderful to see these achievements come to life as they continue their life journeys.  

A huge well done to every member of our Year 2 cohort and a big thank you to the staff in school who hard work tirelessly to make sure our children have such a rich and valuable learning journey.