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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

A week of adventure!

Trips and visits galore at Nyewood this week!

The children have had a wonderful week of enrichment this week, starting with our visit from Zoolab. It was super to hear the children buzzing from their encounters with stickinsects, spiders and giant snails! 

Later in the week the children then got to enjoy the wonder of our local environment during their beach visits. I have already seen some fabulous learning as a result of the visit with super art work and wonderful poetry. 

It was clear from all our children what a wonderful time they have had this week and how valuable these trips and visits are to their school experience. 

I would like to thank all the staff for their hard work in organising these events and also all our parent/carer helpers. Without you we are not able to run such special enrichment opportunities.