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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Chestnut Class Blog 2023-24

September 2023

  • Terrific Trees

    Published 29/09/23, by Admin
    It has been a very busy couple of weeks in Chestnut Class! We had our Terrific Take-off for our new learning topic Forests Everywhere. We were visited by a tree surgeon. He talked to us all about his job and how he looks after trees. He also showe
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  • A super busy week!

    Published 15/09/23, by Admin
    In Science, we were thinking about the question - Is the tallest person the fastest runner? We thought about how we could make this a fair test by running for the same amount of time. Then we tested it! In writing, we have been using all of our wr
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  • Welcome to Chestnut Class!

    Published 08/09/23, by Admin

    What a fabulous start we have had to our year!

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