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Nyewood CE Infant School

Smiling, Caring and Learning Together on a Journey with God

Chestnut Class Blog 2023-24

February 2024

  • La, La, La, La, La

    Published 29/02/24, by Admin
    This week we have been using glockenspiels in music. We had to find and follow the pulse in the music. We also learnt how to change our voices to the different keys.       In writing, we have been adding suffixes to cha
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  • Terrific Take-off

    Published 23/02/24, by Admin
    What a super start to the half term! On Monday we had a visit from a real life author! Her name is Hope Bullen. She shared the book that she wrote and illustrated. It was full of doggies and was about how we are all different and that's good!
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  • Wonderdome and Dance!

    Published 08/02/24, by Admin
      We have worked very hard on our space dance. Watch and see!   For our Fantastic Finish, the Wonderdome came to visit. It was so exciting! We had to enter a giant bubble that was inflated with air. We saw our solar system
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  • Multiplication

    Published 01/02/24, by Admin
    This week in maths we have been learning how to multiply two numbers together. We have been making arrays to help us with this.     We have also been learning odd and even numbers. In writing, we have been writing our own
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